The old hunter, said of hunting dogs that if we want to have a most excellent copy counts patience and skill then.
Human-dog relationship began several million years ago, moments into the mists of time estompandu beginnings, leaving many speculations.
In antichititate, dog situation begins slowly, slowly, to change because of multiple valences that it has. Begin to appear watchdogs, hunting dogs, herding dogs, dog fight / attack different sizes. Hunting dog starts to make a place becoming more visible, hunting was the dominant social class privilege, the heads of state, etc.
Between hunting dogs, pointers appear first, dogs chased and harassing pack, so their first specialization depending on desired hunting.
When talking about a hunting dog and especially pointers, talk about a utility, this utility is the result of years of genetic selected among certain specified purposes. This selection practiced in the current year generated types of dogs, in which the instinct to Areta, was the main goal pursued.
The instinct of the contribution, making a mark more or less fresh, crawling in water, hair and feathers pest, have become targets in the selection of differentiation detreminata breeds of pointers, but always and unequivocally instinct of Areta was constantly watched in order not to perish, but even better.
As we can train a dog for hunting, must above all to have the dog on that we can model that to price formation, ie, the hunting itself to be amenable. Or, if you have a dog that does not show aggression towards predators, or no "nose", or have fear of gun fire, or shyness in working in water, practically have "covered work".
In other words, the experience accumulated over time by hunters has been shown to have a hunting dog qualities desired, besides hunting heritage inherited from ancestors in this direction is added and the hunting experience of parents , who in a large percentage it contributes to the formation of genetic substrate that puiuil meets our expectations.
In the current dressage Pointers, there are plenty of methods and principles. Training a hunting dog is an intermediate stage in the selection of which belongs to the dog breed.
The dog has to work in a field in Cheta orderly, methodical, as intondere average, to cover more ground with and adapt according to the particularities of. Hunting must be reported by stakeout and then a strong and safe pointers. Meanwhile, the dog must be pointers, field dressed (bushes, fallow land, high vegetation, crops, forests, etc..) To rummage and if possible to ponte hunting, unless he is doing everything possible to raise or arouse hunting. Meanwhile, the dog must prove a very good contribution, in any situation and on any ground, so the game birds and hunting with hair. Also, work on water, must be done as thoroughly and promptly, the dog with the task of crawling and lifting the pool game somehow just like the field. When hunting for big game, deer, wild boar, but the dog must participate as required by this kind of hunting. Silence must be well respected hunter must have perfect control of the dog, which should not interfere in any way when triggering the gunfire. Choosing a hunting dog, must be done carefully: first, only from breeders, whose dogs are hunting, and the race will choose the type of hunting you will want to do it. A serious breeder is that hunter who comes to hunt only for the dog.
Pleasure to work with the dog, even missing some pieces of venison, and how we can to get them to understand what we want from him is enormous. Have created situations where your dog genetic heritage, and experience. All this must be repeated until reflexes will be converted. Every dog has his personality and his character, are individualized even siblings of the same calving. A whelp out a real fighter can "break" easily. Example: forcing water to enter or, worse, to throw water or fear of fire weapon that can mess it. Young dog should be taken at first slowly, or may be permanently compromised.
Hunting dogs are perhaps the few breeds of domestic animals that can offer up moments of ecstasy.
At first contribution must be practiced and pointers. Contribution we will be in play with a ball but should not be repeated more than 10 times, the first sign of boredom interrupt and give him "free". Later we will work with contributions stick with feathers and wings of pheasant, partridge, rabbit skin.
The first live birds for setting pointers quail's will be less Japanese, and partridges, pheasants, ducks, rabbits. There are game fishing rod, chicken wing caught the end of the rope and work for pointers, causing catelelul to negotiate, and only then we will reward even let him put his mouth on the wing.
Pontatorii islanders are pointers to earlier in the continental pontatorii that reflexes are secure.
If you are not confident about your training, do not try to train your dog yourself, you may lose a copy of values. We do the hunting dog training because our location is near the hunting grounds. Dreseaza hunting dogs not on asphalt!
It turned out that without a good hunting dog hunting party of wounded or shot is lost.
According to the rules of ethical hunting and the ecological, hunting only be exercised with respect for all circumstances.
We can not get here without mentioning the wonderful hunting ciurari, wonderful in the way hunting that takes place among lastarisurile deciduous forests, and wonderful in that it is certainly the most difficult hunting for both hunter and bird dog.
At ciurari "handle" only dogs but highly experienced and very good nose.
Hunting the geese and ducks is a very useful contribution dog has mastered very well.
Work on the pond and wetlands is again one of the nicest outputs that can be done with hunting dog.
Crawling rates and the coot is very exciting for both dog and for hunting.
One of the most beautiful and exciting hunting in the "up" is hunting the partridge. Practiced with the hunting dog pointers offers some of the most pleasant moments.
The collective hunt rabbits, dogs must be well trained in terms of discipline.
But both the field and the pool, the contribution to the game birds and is the hair that requires the greatest amount of work in training hunting dogs.
Only after long and careful preparation aporteaza dog using a "plug" correct intake without crush, to bite or play smotoceasca intake. Also consideration must be made only on order and when the dog reaches the right hunter must sit and wait with no order intake in the mouth until the hunter reaches out and utters the command "leave".
Mention that prepelicarii are divided into two categories: Tip (ie those who collect money and buy stop - ponteaza - you feel game and then stir hunting after a stakeout and possibly at the urging of hunters) and scrounger (ie only rummaging and change their behavior the detection game you stir immediately). In turn prepelicarii timekeeper are divided into two categories: the islanders (and here we talk about setters and pointers) and continental (and here we talk about a lot of Ponte originated in many European countries today).
We handle hunting dog training passion, because it is something special in terms of splendid moments in the development of successful hunting.